
Benoit Tardif / Review Magazine / Montreal

Here's an illustration created by Benoit Tardif for an article-interview dealing with the best ways to take advantage of your TSFA (Tax-Free Savings Account/ Canada). The article is published in the Fall-Winter issue of Review Magazine.

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Benoit Tardif / Book updated

It is after he completed his studies in graphic design at Université du Québec à Montréal that Benoit started working with illustration. He offers simple, effective and colourful images. Often tinged with irony, his style is marked by an interest in silk screen and posters. Benoit, an illustrator from Quebec, works with traditional and digital techniques to build images designed to convey a specific and conceptual message.

Benoit Tardif / Le Particulier

Illustrations by Benoit Tardif for the article The puppy we bought is sick appearing in the magazine Le Particulier.