
Jérôme Mireault / Creative capsule

Here is our eighth CREATIVE CAPSULE. This month, we invite you to meet Jérôme Mireault, one of the first illustrators and storyboarder of the successor of the creative clinic in its early stages. Even today, Jérôme knows how to give a unique style to his work and he is a still our little genius of the image by his fickle and trendy style. Good meeting with our dear, faithful and creative Jérôme!

Question 1 / Describe your creative lab in a few words?
A simple desk in my apartment; I am lucky to have huge windows, then a lot of light. It is essential.

Question 2 / In two sentences, how would you describe your work technique?
Rather direct. I was used to sketch on paper before; but now, I draw directly in the computer on the tablet, which saves time and specially piles and piles of paper!

Question 3 / What is the project of which you are most proud of?
Recently, I had a little crush for illustrating the label for the vermouth of cider Rouge-Gorge, in association with Polygraph.

Question 4 / What are your favourite colors to create?
I would say that my palette changes a few weeks. With the imminent arrival of the spring, I like to draw with colors a little more pastel, but vibrating also. Lots of pink, green.

Question 5 / Why did you become an artist?
Like many illustrators, the passion of drawing has been developed during the childhood, and I always knew and wanted to venture out on this universe.

Question 6 / In four words, how would you describe your style of illustration?
Modern, Casual, Adaptable, Vibrant.

Question 7 / What is the project of your dreams?
I am a big fan of board games, then, that would be something which inspires and joins me a lot. But I would not tell no to illustrate a label of beer of microbrewery. (I drop that here, like that…).

Question 8 / What does a typical day in the life of Jérôme Mireault?
I get up around 7am and prepare coffee, while checking around the projects to make me a list of things to do. So then I begin to do some sketches with some music, and if the temperature is nice, I can take a short joyride or a bike ride. I am keen of naps in the afternoon, that also allows me to work late in the evening (I often have my peak of creation at the end of evening).

Question 9 / What inspires you?
People; in particular people around me. I have the chance to be surrounded with height of extraordinarily creative human beings, and that it’s an infinite source of inspiration.

Question 10 / What is your favourite blog or website?

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Jérôme Mireault / Congress La Personnelle

Last June, Jérôme Mireault produced three illustrations, including a collaborating work honoring the CSQ congress co-branded by La Personnelle Assurance. The public was invited to participate in the realization of an on-site painting.