

Here's our third CREATIVE CAPSULE, nouveauté mise en place cet été. This month, we invite you to meet Zigor Samaniego, spanish artist living in Vitoria-Gasteiz who specializes in 3D. Enjoy this novelty, and don't hesitate to share this around you to make her work known.

Describe your creative lab in a few words?
I like to mix real, unreal and absurd stuffs. With these mixtures I always obtain something entertaining.

In two sentences, how would you describe your work technique? 
I am using old techniques for project preparation, but then to model it I use  modern technology such as programs for  digital scupt and new generation renders.

What is the project of which you are most proud of?
The project I am the most proud of is one for American express. For the completion of that project I worked with Ogilvy Agency which is the biggest enterprise I have work with.

What are your favourite colors to create?
I like to use worm colours such as pink and violet.

Why did you become an artist?
Since I was a child have it inside of me, but over time I have learn to have profit of it. Nowadays  art is my job and hobby

In four words, how would you describe your style of illustration?
Suppose my style can be described as crazy a bit but funny for illustration.

What is the project of your dreams?
I would like to make an intro for Nickelodeon, it is my dream as an illustrator.

What does a typical day in the life of Zigor looks like?
I wake up at 7 am . First what I do in the mornings is a " the liter" , which is a big jar of coffee for a whole day.
While having a coffee I am reading my mails and answering to the clients questions that are subscribed to my course of lettering.

After 8 I start to work, listening music and trying to be concentrated without any distractions. If I really like the some project,  I am able to don't  move from 8-14 from the computer and being in some state of trance.

After the lunch break  I am finishing  the projects and sending the progresses to the clients, so they can give me the feedback the same day.

Usually I finish at 17 but very often I the afternoons I am trying new things, for instance learning to use new software which I consider interesting for my job.

What inspires you?
Video games and cartoons.

What is your favourite blog or website?
For illustrations:
For fun: (in spanish)

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3D animation for VRV / United States

Zigor Samaniego made this 3D animation for the web series Bravest Warriors available on the VRV platterform in collaboration with the American digital media distributor Crunchyroll.

Quebec Auto Insurance

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Rick Hansen Fondation

A Pro bono project for the Rick Hansen Foundation, produced by Taxi Toronto and created by Zigor Samaniego in 3D.